Sabtu, 27 Februari 2010

Achieving Dreams

Dreams will lead us where to go, how to act and behave. Our dreams will know where the end point of the struggle. And soon after reaching that dream, we can replace it with another dream that has not been achieved.
Friend, in reaching for dreams, we need strategies and maps. So that when walking and met with resistance, we can choose to jump or go around it and take another road. Without changing the dream, just change the direction of the road course. Imagine you're in the middle of the ocean on a speedboat. Fifty miles in front of you is an island, and on the island there is everything you want and aspire.

3 komentar:

I hope we all dream a reality.... :)

yes it is true
thanks for comment... :-)

Beautiful illusions
Not as beautiful as the reality
When unfulfilled intentions
Only the soul is left feeling low

Only a sense of resignation
It turns out the little man himself is only
Who chained expectations

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